General (1)
Full list of contact of FIBA 3x3 various departments and other FAQs
FIBA 3x3 profile and website (5)
FIBA 3x3 profile related solutions related solutions
I have multiple profiles. How do I merge them?
What is a FIBA 3x3 Profile?
Changing your email/username
How does advanced search work in the new
Why cannot I find an event in which I surely know will take place?
Where can I find a country player ranking?
What's the difference between registering as team lead or as a guest?
How do I edit my team?
How do I add players to my team?
FIBA 3x3 Ranking points (3)
Information about FIBA 3x3 ranking points
FIBA 3x3 Digital Tools (7)
Getting started with FIBA 3x3 digital tools
FIBA 3x3 Stats (3)
Resources for FIBA 3x3 statisticians
FIBA 3x3 Officiating (1)
Everything about FIBA 3x3 Referees, Table officials and other technical topics
FIBA 3x3 Pro Circuit (2)
Everything you might need to know about playing in the FIBA 3x3 Pro Circuit
FIBA 3x3 Learning (1)
All 3x3 learning and certifcation courses
National Federations (1)
All the FAQs related to National Federations' roles and daily activities for 3x3